हिन्दी में वेबसाइट कैसे बनाये [भाग-२ ]
Website बनने के लिए सामान्य HTML का ज्ञान लाभ दायक है । इसलिए यहाँ पर कुछ बहुत ही काम के कमाण्ड दिए जा रहे है। डाउनलोड करे
------- Linking to Some Other Page -------
--------Linking within the page, EXAMPLE if u want to go top of page -----
---------How to insert Image -------
---------Thumbnail Photograph -----------
THIS text will be bold
this text will be emphasis
this text will be strong emphasis
this text will be underline
this text will be italic
--------- we can use all the above tags at a time as :-
HTML = HyperText Markup Language.
HTTP = HyperText Transfer Protocol
FTP = File Transfer Protocol
----------For selecting the other color codes(hexa codes"#xxxxxx") than primary colors
(red , blue, green, yellow), go to www.htmlgoodies.com
--- This would be Max. Big and BoldText
---- This would be one point less big and bold than H1| | | --------Decreasing by one point ------
| | | ----- --------Decreasing by again one point ----
| | |
---- Least Big and Bold than above_______________________________________________________________________________________
Diferent types of Looks you can give to fonts as :
- comic sans ms
- arial black
- monotype corsiva
- georgia
- century gothic
- times new roman
- garamond
- lucida console
--- and many more , see from MS WORD ------
---- To change the Background color ;
where "#xxxxxx" is the hexacode for different colors
---- To insert image (in tile form)as a background
---- To insert image ( not in tile form)as a background
---- We can put both background color and image; but first bg color will come for
some seconds till image download, this could give attractiveness to ur page.
----- Background wallpaper or image would be still(fixed) and text would seem
scrolling while u will scroll side bar:-
----ParaGraph , line break, Horizontal line and space or tab:-
---- paragraph change--
-- Line Break
-- tab or space , for this you need to repeat according to how much space you need to give .
-------- Super script and sub script -----
x2 this will give x raise to power 2
x2 this will give 2 in feet of x
--------- Page Push or Refresh Command
At the top of the page, after and before enter the command:
The number is the number of seconds before the page moves; the x's are the address of the target site.
---------- Scrolling Banners (marquees):
The marquee command is:
The bgcolor can be set to any color.
-------- Scrolling Banners (marquees): NEWS FLASH! Here's a better way!
The code is:
--------- Link Highlight for IE and Netscape (CSS)
1. Copy and paste in between the and commands.
2. Edit the color names in the last line of style.
Note: You can change the text-decoration values or omit them.
CODE is :-
---------- Change Link Color (CSS):-
Internet Explorer only. Changes the link color when the mouse is passed over it using style.
1. Copy and paste the code in between the and commands.
code is :-
---------- Link Effect : Hovering of link when mouse roll over the link
Internet Explorer only. A neat onmouseover link effect, you gotta check this one out.
code is :-
----------- MARQUEES :- TYPES (Internet Explorer only)
1) A regular marquee: simple from right to left
code is :-
2) A marquee with background color: simple from right to left , but having fixed BG color
code is :-
3) A bouncing marquee :- Left to right and right to left , contineous without delay
code is :-
4) A scrolling marquee :- Up and down and down and up , contineously
code is:-
------- And Marquee Attributes: use these attributes in the above commands to make
the command more effective--------
SCROLLDELAY="number in milliseconds"
----------- AutoGo Pulldown Menu :-
I mean there is small window and u need to place the web addresses ,
Crossbrowser. Navigation select pulldown menu.
A new winodw will be opened when the selection is made. This script is easily configured to
your personal needs. All editing information is included in the script.
code script is :-
---------- Glowing Text Without Images :-
( Internet Explorer only)
code is:-
*** Put your text here *** |
*** Put your text here *** |
---------- Color Blinker :-
Alternative to the annoying
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