शनिवार, 24 अप्रैल 2010

कुछ HTML एडिटर्स : Some Free Website creator

कुछ HTML एडिटर्स
Some Free Website क्रेअटर
  1. www.htaccesseditor.कॉम   .htaccess बनाने केलिए ऑनलाइन टूल
  2. BlueFish  वेबसाइट बनाने केलिए ऑफलाइन एडिटर (WYSIWYG application for the desktop)
  3. eXe  advanced टूल  (WYSIWYG application for the desktop)
  4. Xinha is a powerful & open source HTML (WYSIWYG application for the desktop) editor.
  5. OPENBEXI is a WYSIWYG HTML WEB editor which allows you to create Web pages, generate HTML code without any HTML knowledges. Powerful FCK,fisheyes,DOJO,tables, forms, medias, timelines, charts editors let you create, update,re-size,remove HTML components.
  6. KompoZer  KompoZer is a wysiwyg HTML editor using the Mozilla Composer codebase. As Nvu's development has been stopped in 2005, KompoZer fixes many bugs and adds a few useful features.

  7. adx - addressbook.xml

  8. Pixie - The Small, Simple, Site Maker - Wiki - Features 
  9. Pithcms - Easy flat file cms 

जल्द ही एक - एक करके इनकी विवेचना की जाएगी . अभी Testing / trial चल रहा है. 

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