Some Free Website क्रेअटर
- .htaccess बनाने केलिए ऑनलाइन टूल
- BlueFish वेबसाइट बनाने केलिए ऑफलाइन एडिटर (WYSIWYG application for the desktop)
- eXe advanced टूल (WYSIWYG application for the desktop)
- Xinha is a powerful & open source HTML (WYSIWYG application for the desktop) editor.
- OPENBEXI is a WYSIWYG HTML WEB editor which allows you to create Web pages, generate HTML code without any HTML knowledges. Powerful FCK,fisheyes,DOJO,tables, forms, medias, timelines, charts editors let you create, update,re-size,remove HTML components.
- KompoZer KompoZer is a wysiwyg HTML editor using the Mozilla Composer codebase. As Nvu's development has been stopped in 2005, KompoZer fixes many bugs and adds a few useful features.
adx - addressbook.xml
- Pixie - The Small, Simple, Site Maker - Wiki - Features
- Pithcms - Easy flat file cms
जल्द ही एक - एक करके इनकी विवेचना की जाएगी . अभी Testing / trial चल रहा है.
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